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 espion or not espion, that is the question

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3 participants

Nombre de messages : 80
Age : 38
Localisation : partout et nul part a la fois
groupe : les trois 6
Loisirs : tuer ; tuer ; tuer!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2007

fiche caracteristiques
armes: katana(4;3)
espion or not espion, that is the question Left_bar_bleue100/100espion or not espion, that is the question Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
espion or not espion, that is the question Left_bar_bleue860/10000espion or not espion, that is the question Empty_bar_bleue  (860/10000)

espion or not espion, that is the question Empty
MessageSujet: espion or not espion, that is the question   espion or not espion, that is the question Icon_minitimeMer 30 Mai - 15:22

salut, tu ne saurai pas quelque indice a propos de l'espion stp??
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Nombre de messages : 293
Age : 32
Localisation : quelque part dans ce vaste monde
groupe : aucun
Loisirs : manier des armes,se battre,tuer,ne rien faire...
Date d'inscription : 02/11/2006

fiche caracteristiques
armes: kimochi no tsurugi(6,6)
espion or not espion, that is the question Left_bar_bleue90/100espion or not espion, that is the question Empty_bar_bleue  (90/100)
espion or not espion, that is the question Left_bar_bleue3300/10000espion or not espion, that is the question Empty_bar_bleue  (3300/10000)

espion or not espion, that is the question Empty
MessageSujet: Re: espion or not espion, that is the question   espion or not espion, that is the question Icon_minitimeMer 30 Mai - 15:31

tu as maintenant recu tous ce que je savais en MP
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Nombre de messages : 80
Age : 38
Localisation : partout et nul part a la fois
groupe : les trois 6
Loisirs : tuer ; tuer ; tuer!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2007

fiche caracteristiques
armes: katana(4;3)
espion or not espion, that is the question Left_bar_bleue100/100espion or not espion, that is the question Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
espion or not espion, that is the question Left_bar_bleue860/10000espion or not espion, that is the question Empty_bar_bleue  (860/10000)

espion or not espion, that is the question Empty
MessageSujet: Re: espion or not espion, that is the question   espion or not espion, that is the question Icon_minitimeMer 30 Mai - 18:56

oui , merci pour ton aide
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Nombre de messages : 43
Age : 30
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2007

fiche caracteristiques
armes: P.90
espion or not espion, that is the question Left_bar_bleue100/100espion or not espion, that is the question Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
espion or not espion, that is the question Left_bar_bleue1650/10000espion or not espion, that is the question Empty_bar_bleue  (1650/10000)

espion or not espion, that is the question Empty
MessageSujet: Re: espion or not espion, that is the question   espion or not espion, that is the question Icon_minitimeSam 2 Juin - 16:33

Moi aussi je t'ai envoyé ce que je saviat par MP
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Nombre de messages : 80
Age : 38
Localisation : partout et nul part a la fois
groupe : les trois 6
Loisirs : tuer ; tuer ; tuer!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2007

fiche caracteristiques
armes: katana(4;3)
espion or not espion, that is the question Left_bar_bleue100/100espion or not espion, that is the question Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
espion or not espion, that is the question Left_bar_bleue860/10000espion or not espion, that is the question Empty_bar_bleue  (860/10000)

espion or not espion, that is the question Empty
MessageSujet: Re: espion or not espion, that is the question   espion or not espion, that is the question Icon_minitimeMar 5 Juin - 19:49

heu merci

mais je ne devais pas te le demander avant ?
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Nombre de messages : 293
Age : 32
Localisation : quelque part dans ce vaste monde
groupe : aucun
Loisirs : manier des armes,se battre,tuer,ne rien faire...
Date d'inscription : 02/11/2006

fiche caracteristiques
armes: kimochi no tsurugi(6,6)
espion or not espion, that is the question Left_bar_bleue90/100espion or not espion, that is the question Empty_bar_bleue  (90/100)
espion or not espion, that is the question Left_bar_bleue3300/10000espion or not espion, that is the question Empty_bar_bleue  (3300/10000)

espion or not espion, that is the question Empty
MessageSujet: Re: espion or not espion, that is the question   espion or not espion, that is the question Icon_minitimeMar 5 Juin - 20:17

oui, il a raison, tu n'aurais pas du lui dire avant qu'il ne te l'ai demander.

donc ne recommence plus stp
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espion or not espion, that is the question Empty
MessageSujet: Re: espion or not espion, that is the question   espion or not espion, that is the question Icon_minitime

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espion or not espion, that is the question
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